It is important that we have in place a set of guidelines for campus units regarding such fees/assessments to clarify what type of gifts might be assessed, acceptable rates of assessment, and use of any fees collected.
All units on the Urbana-Champaign campus
The policy originated in the Chancellor’s Office with enforcement review completed by the Provost’s Office.
Often academic and administrative units are the beneficiaries of gifts to support activities within their units. As gifts, the management and stewardship of these funds requires significant administrative costs. These funds can be used for salaries, supplies, equipment and travel. Such uses require the time and effort of administrative staff to process appointments, facilitate payroll, process requisitions and vouchers and help schedule meetings and travel. Currently, some departments assess fees against these funds to help offset the cost of services that are provided to manage and facilitate the use of these gift funds.
It is important that we have in place a set of guidelines for campus units regarding such fees/assessments to clarify what type of gifts might be assessed, acceptable rates of assessment, and use of any fees collected. Beginning December 1, 2011, the following guidelines will be in place:
Provost’s Office, (217) 244-4545