Commemorative Plaques for Plantings, Objects, and Interior Spaces


To ensure that gifts in support of Plantings, Objects, and Interior Spaces meet applicable standards and enhance the appearance of the University campus.


This policy applies to the installation of Commemorative Plaques on or near Plantings, Objects, and Interior Spaces inside buildings on the University campus and at Allerton and the Arboretum.


Article VIII, Section 4(e) of the General Rules Concerning University Organization and Procedure and the Chancellor.


A Commemorative Plaque may be installed on or near Plantings or Objects to honor a donor (or an honoree designated by the donor) or to recognize members of the University faculty, staff or administration.

A Commemorative Plaque also may be installed in an Interior Space (a) to honor a donor (or an honoree designated by the donor) who contributed to the financing of the renovation or remodeling of the Interior Space; or (b) in recognition of members of the University faculty, staff, or administration whose services were identified with the functions of the Interior Space.

This policy does not apply to the naming of Programs or Facilities as those terms are defined in Article V, Section 4(a) of the General Rules.


Commemorative Plaque means a plate or tablet of metal, stone, wood, or some other material typically attached to a wall or to an object that bears text or an image in memory or in recognition of one or more honorees. Commemorative Plaques may honor an individual or group, designate a campus landmark, or highlight a historic campus event. 

Interior Spaces means spaces inside University buildings, such as rooms, lounges, laboratories, performance spaces, and lecture halls.

Objects include, but are not limited to, benches, fountains, pavilions, and sculptures.

Plantings include, but are not limited to, flowers, shrubs, and trees.


Commemorative Plantings and Objects
Applicants begin the commemorative process by completing and sending the appropriate form to the Director of Planning, Facilities & Services (F&S), Physical Plant Services Building, 1501 South Oak Street, Champaign, IL, 61820.

After consulting with the donor or donors, the Director of Planning, the Director of Allerton Park & Retreat Center, or the Director of the Arboretum (as the case may be) shall determine the type and placement of Commemorative Plaques, Plantings and Objects.

The scope of some commemorative installations may require the approval of the Chancellor’s Capital Review Committee (CCRC).

F&S, Allerton Park & Retreat Center, or the Arboretum will provide the following:

  • the actual Planting or Object, unless it is a gift-in-kind;
  • all materials and labor required for installation and maintenance of the Planting or Object; and
  • all labor required to install and maintain standard campus identifying tags required by this policy.

After installation of the Planting or Object, the responsible unit will photograph it from two or more reference points and will record and file a description with F&S. The unit must forward a copy of the documentation to the donor, the U of I Foundation, the Director of Planning, and when appropriate, Allerton Park & Retreat Center or the Arboretum.

The appropriate campus unit will maintain the Planting or Object for the duration of its lifespan.

F&S, Allerton, or the Arboretum, as the case may be, must maintain all records associated with the Planting or Object for the duration of its lifespan.

If within 10 years of the installation a Planting dies or a Planting or Object becomes unsightly due to disease, vandalism, or acts of God (as determined by F&S, Allerton, or the Arboretum), then the responsible unit will remove and replace the Planting or Object in the name of the donor. The Office of the Executive Director of F&S is responsible for all costs associated with the replacement of Plantings.

If within 20 years of installation unforeseen construction (such as new buildings or roads) causes the removal of a Planting or Object, Facilities and Services in conjunction with the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Advancement will relocate or replace the Planting or Object in an appropriate location in the name of the donor. F&S in conjunction with the Advancement Office must update all records in conjunction with replacement Plantings or Objects.

The Director of Planning, the Director of Allerton, or the Director of the Arboretum, as the case may be, will determine the location, size, and selection of all replacement Plantings and Objects.

Commemorative Plaques
In the case of Commemorative Plaques where a monetary gift is not provided, F&S must review the location, size, design, and content of the plaque. The unit requesting installation shall bear the cost of producing the Commemorative Plaque.

Interior Spaces
Proposals to name Interior Spaces must follow these procedures even if there is no Commemorative Plaque installation.  The Chancellor must approve the proposed name for an Interior Space on recommendation of the dean, director or department head, or other relevant administrator.

Gift Levels
F&S, Allerton, and the Arboretum, as the case may be, will recommend minimum gift levels for installation of commemorative Plantings and Objects, which amounts must be approved by the Associate Chancellor for Development.

Gift Procedures
All gifts must be processed through the University of Illinois Foundation. For more information about the processing of gifts, see Business & Finance, Policies & Procedures, 11.3 Campus Processing of Gifts.

Criteria and Procedure for Renaming or Removal of Name
In extreme circumstances, and if in the University’s best interest, it may be necessary to remove a name from a Planting, Object, or Interior Space. Removal of a commemorative name should be done judiciously and should involve the Chancellor, the Office of University Counsel, and the President.

Guidelines Regarding Signage and Other Forms of Recognition
Each commemorative Planting or Object must be identified with a standard campus identification tag. The standard campus identification tag shall be attached to or placed near the Planting or Object and maintained. F&S will be responsible for this in conjunction with the Advancement Office.

With advice from the donor, the Director of Planning or the Director of Allerton or the Arboretum will develop exact wording and layout for each tag.

Prior to printing each tag, the respective Director will send a mock-up to the donor for a review for accuracy.

Information included on each tag is limited to the following: (i) eponym; (ii) common and botanical names of Planting; (iii) donor name (optional) or when more than one donor is involved, a collective name such as “Friends of” or “Family of” will be implemented; and (iv) date planted or installed. See Examples of Campus Identification Tag for standard layout of tag text for commemorative Plantings and Objects.


In rare cases, the Chancellor may grant exceptions to this policy.


Questions regarding this policy may be addressed to the F&S Planning Division, (217) 244-8817.