Generally — except for personal use, news, and scholarly or academic purposes — photographers, videographers, and filmmakers must obtain written permission to reproduce any image of the University, including its name, recognizable landmarks, buildings, or other representation, from the Associate Chancellor for Strategic Communications and Marketing, 507 East Green Street, Champaign, IL 61820, (217) 333-5010.
Some uses in commercial productions that are permissible include: using the campus as a background in an advertisement or as a setting in a feature film; making factual statements about work done at the campus or products or services purchased by the campus; and photos or artistic renderings of campus buildings that are intended to be works of art. Use of the campus in film and TV productions must be in the best interest of the campus in the judgment of the Associate Chancellor for Strategic Communications and Marketing.
Use of logos and images of the campus on merchandise sold commercially and on giveaway promotional items must be licensed by the Collegiate Licensing Company, 320 Interstate North, Suite 102, Atlanta, GA 30339, (770) 956-0520, fax (770) 955-4491.
In general, the University cannot permit its image to be used in any commercial announcement, in a commercial or artistic production, including the World Wide Web or in any other context where endorsement of a product, organization, person, or cause is explicitly or implicitly conveyed.
The following guidelines are used by Strategic Communications and Marketing in responding to requests from external organizations for the use of the campus as a setting for feature-length films, commercials, and advertisements that are to appear in print and other uses.
Before granting permission to film or to take photographs on the campus, the University reserves the right to examine a copy of the script, treatment, proposal, or text of the project in advance to ensure that it contains no inaccurate or misleading references to the University. The University further reserves the right to deny use of its facilities in cases where it considers the overall content of the film, advertisement, or project inconsistent with the University’s goals and ideals.
Use of some locations (e.g., those not generally open to the public) requires special permission in certain circumstances. For example, special permission is needed for access to certain areas (classrooms, residence halls, laboratories, athletic facilities, offices); for activities that might interrupt the normal flow of student life, business, or traffic; and for activities that involve University staff time or resources.
Strategic Communications and Marketing will request permission from affected University departments and from Facility Management and Scheduling. Whenever possible, filming and photography will be scheduled during periods least likely to be disruptive to the academic process and student life; exceptions must be reviewed and approved by the unit responsible for the area to be filmed or photographed and by the Associate Chancellor for Strategic Communications and Marketing. Requests for filming at special events, such as events in connection with Homecoming or similar student activities, will require special review.
The expectation is that University property will be unchanged in any permanent way. Any significant temporary changes to physical property must be approved in advance by the unit responsible for that property and by Facility Management and Scheduling. All locations must be restored by the photographer or filmmaker to their previous state.
A film production company must provide a $1 million certificate to Strategic Communications and Marketing that names the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois as additionally insured for the day(s) of the shoot. Specific requirements are $1 million of comprehensive general liability coverage with a company rated B+ VI or better in Best’s Guide. The certificate will be reviewed by the University Counsel and the University Office of Risk Management.
Under the oversight of Strategic Communications and Marketing, film production units will be responsible for all logistical arrangements connected with filming on the campus. This includes such items as food, lodging, security and crowd control, transportation, properties, setups, etc. Whenever possible, the University will make its support services available at an appropriate cost. Arrangements for the services of an electrician or other technical help from the University must be made in advance and will be charged to the film company. If necessary, a member of the StratCom staff may be designated as a liaison to campus units.
Special parking and traffic arrangements will be made at the discretion of the Division of Campus Security and at the expense of the organization requesting access to the campus.
Since filming on campus may involve substantial time spent by University staff and may inconvenience the University community, the University does not cooperate with the films in order to earn site fees. The reason for cooperation is to increase public awareness of the University and its contributions to the community. Nevertheless, filmmakers may be asked to make a contribution to the University of Illinois Foundation to support campus programs and to compensate the University community for any inconvenience that may be caused.
Further questions concerning this policy statement should be directed to Strategic Communications and Marketing, (217) 333-5010;