To safeguard public health with required immunizations and certain tuberculosis screenings.
This policy applies to all students enrolled at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (“university”).
Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs
Department of Public Health Act, 20 ILCS 2305/2
Illinois College Student Immunization Act, 110 ILCS 20
Control of Tuberculosis Code, 77 Ill. Adm. Code 696
College Immunization Code, 77 Ill. Adm. Code 694
Each student who enrolls at the university must provide to McKinley Health Center satisfactory proof of immunity to measles, rubella, mumps, meningitis (for students ages 16-21) and tetanus/diphtheria, including dates of most recent tetanus/diphtheria/pertussis booster (“Tdap”) as required by Illinois law. A student who enrolls without furnishing proof of immunity may not enroll in a subsequent term unless the student provides proof of immunity acceptable to McKinley Health Center. A student may request a medical or religious exemption. Students may receive any or all of the required immunizations at McKinley Health Center for a fee.
Tuberculosis (“TB”) screening by McKinley Health Center is required for all international students. Students who do not comply with the screening requirement may not drop/add classes during the semester or register for classes in subsequent semesters.
A health care provider must sign documentation of immunization and must include the office address and phone number. The provider may complete the University Immunization History form or furnish some other documentation of the provider.
All international students will complete a TB screening questionnaire.
Students who reside or have had more than a six-month stay in a TB-prevalent country within the past five years should have a QuantiFERON®-TB Gold blood test (“QFT®”) performed, regardless of Known Positive Reactor (“KPR”) status, unless they provide documentation of prior treatment. There is a charge for the blood test. Students who have a positive blood test will be asked to return for chest x-ray to screen for pulmonary TB. Students who have a prior history of TB or who are receiving treatment for TB should bring copies of all treatment records, including medical notes and laboratory reports.
Any student who returns to the university after more than a six-month absence should complete another TB screening if they have been in a high-risk country for frequent or prolonged visits.
The following documents can be downloaded from the Forms webpage on the McKinley Health Center’s web site:
Immunization and Health Records should be submitted in one of the following ways:
Exemptions to the immunization requirements are only as permitted by law. Students with a self-reported or documented history of positive biological test of exposure may be excluded from TB retesting with the same test.
For questions regarding this policy, contact the McKinley Health Center, or call (217) 333-2701.