Energy-Efficient Equipment Acquisition


This policy is implemented to foster an energy-efficient campus environment, and to reduce energy usage and utility costs across all campus units and departments.


This policy applies to the Urbana-Champaign campus, and contains supplemental information and guidelines to support adherence to the Campus Energy Use Policy


This policy is an extension of the Campus Energy Use Policy, and is implemented under the authority of the Executive Director of Facilities & Services.


Items that have high energy-efficiency ratings will be purchased when economically and operationally practical, in conformance with the list of selected classes of energy-consuming equipment and ratings.


Selected classes of items subject to the policy for procurement of energy efficient equipment:

Electrical appliances, or similar equipment
University standard: Items that have a rating in the first quartile of efficiency.
Drinking fountains
University standard: 200-270 watts.
Incandescent lights
University standard: 15 to 18 lumens per watt and replacement of all incandescent lamps with the next smaller size.
Personal computers
University standard: Beginning June 17, 1994, the date the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) “Energy Star” logo made its debut, all personal computers, monitors, and printers purchased must have the “Energy Star” logo affixed to them.
University standard: A rating in the first quartile of efficiency among items available. (See: University standard for electrical appliances.)
Window air conditioners
University standard: Energy Efficiency Rating (EER) of 9 or greater.


Sealed bid and contract documents for selected classes of energy consuming equipment and commodities shall specify and require the bidder to provide energy-efficiency ratings (when practical); may include Life Cycle Cost (LCC) formulas for the bidder to complete for evaluations and justifications of bids.

All appropriate guidelines (e.g., Requisition Processing Training Guide (PDF) and the Business and Finance, Policies and Procedures will address the purchase of energy-efficient equipment. Items above will be incorporated.

The Energy Services Department of Facilities & Services will identify selected classes and ratings of equipment subject to this policy to publicize such information to the Campus whenever appropriate, and to review justifications for purchases of energy-consuming equipment not in conformance with the policy.

Procedures for Procurement of Energy-Efficient Equipment

  1. Departmental representatives and Purchasing Division buyers will seek competitive price quotes and energy efficiency ratings (when available) on selected classes of energy-consuming equipment.
  2. Only equipment in conformance with the policy should be purchased if economically and operationally practical. If equipment conforming to the policy is not desired, the purchaser shall justify the purchase of items not in conformance by completing the Non-Conforming Energy-Efficient Equipment Selection Justification Form, and have his/her supervisor approve the purchase.
  3. The Selection Justification form should be filed along with the transaction file in the Purchasing Division, and a copy sent to the Energy Services Department of Facilities & Services for review prior to the purchase.
  4. For selected classes of equipment, a listing will be developed of specific brands, models, and suppliers of energy-efficient equipment in conformance with the policy. This listing will be updated continuously and edited at least once annually by Purchasing Division buyers and the Energy Services Department of Facilities & Services.
  5. Departmental representatives may contact the appropriate Purchasing Division buyer to determine if there is a listing of energy-efficient equipment and/or suppliers meeting their requirements.


The acquisition of items not in conformance with this policy need to be justified. Such justifications should address the following:

  1. Cost. Is the cost of the more-efficient item significantly more than less efficient items? If practical, life cycle cost (LCC) analyses may be used as a basis for justification.
  2. Operational Requirements. Explain if the energy-efficient item does not meet operational needs.


For questions concerning this policy, contact the Director of Energy and Utility Services, (217) 244-2865.