While many campus units provide for their own media services and equipment, and doubtlessly will continue to do so, campus-level responsibility rests with the Office of Instructional and Management Services. It is the general mission of the Instructional Media and Technology Division to assist faculty in effectively using media to facilitate instruction and enhance learning within the scope of present media resources. Support is available in the following areas:
Media consultants are available to assist faculty members in design and production of instructional materials, development of instructional strategies with media, selection of media, selection and planning of audio/video equipment and systems, and utilization of media in the classroom. For referral to the Instructional Media Planner assigned call: 333-3690 for media production, or media utilization and (217) 333-3689 for television production or engineering services.
Professionals in the areas of audio, graphic design, photography, and television produce materials in ways that aid instruction. Production capabilities include:
Some funds are provided by IMS for the production of materials intended for use in classroom instruction. Materials can also be produced for other uses, however funding must be provided for labor and materials.
For further information about production services available, call Instructional Media at (217) 333-3690 or Instructional Television at (217) 333-3689.
The IMS Computer Graphics Center is a faculty/staff resource center for the self-service production of classroom media using microcomputers. Users pay for materials used. The Self service center is equipped with hardware and software which makes it possible to produce color slides, overhead transparencies, and handouts. Consultation and training is provided. There is no charge for use of the facilities for instructional materials. All other uses must pay facilities charge. For further information call (217) 333-3690.
Operators and equipment are available from Instructional Media for projection of 16mm motion pictures in classrooms and auditoriums and for projection of video materials and 35mm slides in large auditoriums.
There is no charge for these services when performed in support of university instruction between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. For instructional showings outside of regular campus hours, the requesting department must provide funds for labor. An hourly rate is charged for non-instructional showings.
Requests for an operator must be received by Instructional Media at (217) 244-3837 no later than Wednesday of the week preceding the requested showing date.
The design, installation, maintenance, repair of equipment systems and other engineering support services is available on a fee recovery basis for classroom media systems and related production support systems. For repair or maintenance call (217) 333-0506, for project planning, design, development, and installation call (217) 333-4114. For technical advice in the selection of electronic A/V equipment call (217) 333-4114.
Media equipment is available for loan for instructional uses for limited periods of time without cost. A rental fee is charged if the equipment is borrowed for non-instructional uses.
Eight Instructional Facility Centers (IFC’s) are maintained at widely dispersed locations to supply equipment conveniently to faculty. Audiovisual equipment can be obtained from each of the IFC‘s listed below. Video (television) equipment is available from the first three IFC‘s listed below.
Rentals of equipment for non-instructional uses must be made through Room 400 Engineering Hall, (217) 333-3692. Current rental rates are available upon request.
Example of instruction support equipment are:
Although operators are not provided, Facilities and Services will provide public address systems which can be operated by the user. Requests for such equipment should be phoned to the Routing Office, (217) 333-0340.
When a separate public address system is required as well as a 16mm projection service, Facilities and Services will provide the service. Call the F&S Service Office, (217) 333-0340. If a public address system is permanently installed and available for the user, Media Utilization Section, Instructional Media and Technology, Office of Instructional and Management Services will provide the 16mm motion picture projection. Call (217) 333-3837.