Alcohol Management Policy


This Alcohol Management Policy implements, at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, the University of Illinois Alcoholic Liquors Management Policy, adopted by the University of Illinois Board of Trustees on January 15, 2009, in accordance with the Illinois Liquor Control Act of 1934 (235 ILCS 5). The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign is committed to providing a safe and enjoyable venue for public, cultural, educational, entertainment, athletic, and social events. The policy is intended to help ensure that Alcoholic Liquor (as defined below) is served only in accordance with all applicable laws and policies and only to those guests and participants who are drinking responsibly. The policy outlines the conditions for selling and serving Alcohol at campus and university-supported events in consideration of the safety of guests and university personnel at those events.


This policy applies to the service and sale of Alcoholic Liquors in campus buildings or on property owned or controlled by the Board of Trustees and at all events sponsored by campus units, at all events paid for with university funds, and for which the venue requires a certificate of insurance from the university.


The Office of the Chancellor and the Division of Public Safety share responsibility with the Beverage Administrator for enforcing this policy.


Alcoholic Liquors may be served or sold in buildings under the control of the University of Illinois Board of Trustees for events that the board may determine are public events and not related to Student Activities.

No Alcoholic Liquors may be served at university-sponsored events on or off campus, events on or off campus paid for with university funds, or at any events in buildings on the Urbana-Champaign campus on property owned or controlled by the Board of Trustees unless first approved in writing by the Beverage Administrator. A Request for Approval to Sell and/or Serve Alcoholic Liquors” form must be completed and submitted to the Beverage Administrator for consideration no later than seven business days before the scheduled date for the event.

In determining whether Alcoholic Liquors are appropriate for an event, the Beverage Administrator shall consider the following relevant and important factors: (i) whether the event is a Student Activity or Student-related Activity; (ii) whether the physical setting of the event is conducive to control of Alcoholic Liquor sales and service; (iii) the ability of the Event Host to ensure that the sale or service of Alcoholic Liquors and the demeanor of the participants are in accordance with state law and university policies; (iv) regarding the anticipated attendees at the event, the relative proportion of individuals under the age of 21 to individuals age 21 or older; (v) the ability of the venue operator to prevent the sale or service of Alcoholic Liquors to individuals under the age of 21; (vi) whether the event prohibits participants from removing Alcoholic Liquor from the venue; and (vii) whether the event prohibits participants from providing their own Alcoholic Liquor to the venue.

The Beverage Administrator may deny any such application in its reasonable discretion.


Alcoholic Liquors (Alcohol) means alcohol, spirits, wine, beer and every liquid or solid, patented or not, containing alcohol, spirits, wine, or beer, and capable of being consumed as a beverage by a human being. The term does not include alcohol used in the manufacture of denatured alcohol, nor to any liquid or solid containing one-half of 1% or less of alcohol by volume.

Approved Venue means a venue that is pre-approved by the Beverage Administrator for Alcohol sales or service.

Beverage Administrator means the individual appointed by the chancellor to be responsible for overseeing the administration and implementation of the policy for the university. The chancellor has appointed the associate vice chancellor for Auxiliary, Health and Wellbeing to serve as Beverage Administrator.

Insured Vendor/Caterer means vendors who currently meet U. of I. insurance requirements.

Off-Campus Vendors/Caterers means vendors and caterers not affiliated with the university.

On-Campus Vendors/Caterers means vendors and caterers that are units of the university authorized to operate food services, such as University Catering, Beckman Café, and the Krannert Center for the Performing Arts.

Student Activity/Student-related Activity means an event or activity sponsored by a Registered Student Organization or an event or activity in which the primary audience is students.

Event Host: The individual, university unit, or non-university organization that is responsible for planning and execution of the event, including without limitation, coordinating the selection of the caterer/vendor and venue, determining the event’s program or content, and advertising the event. The Event Host must be physically present at the event and must be responsible for event costs.


Beverage Administrator Role

The Beverage Administrator is responsible for ensuring this policy complies with all applicable laws and Board of Trustees policies, overseeing the administration of this policy, and managing the sale and service of Alcoholic Liquors at the university. Specific responsibilities include: (1) determining Approved Venues (subject to approval by the chancellor); and (2) reviewing Request for Approval forms and approving or denying such requests.

The Beverage Administrator may appoint a Deputy Beverage Administrator as needed to assist in performing the duties of the Beverage Administrator but shall remain responsible for all decisions and actions of the Deputy Beverage Administrator regarding this policy.

General Guidelines and Procedures for Selling or Serving Alcoholic Liquors

For All Events at which Alcohol is Served

  1. For each event involving the proposed sale or service of Alcoholic Liquors, the event sponsor must seek approval from the Beverage Administrator through submission of the Request for Approval. There will be no standing approvals.
  2. The Event Host is responsible for the oversight of the event and the vendor/caterer is responsible for the service and sale of Alcoholic Liquors.
  3. Alcoholic Liquors may be sold, served and consumed only in a physical setting that is conducive to control and reasonable privacy. Participants may not remove Alcoholic Liquors from the venue.
  4. Individuals may not bring their own Alcoholic Liquors to any event.
  5. No Alcoholic Liquors may be sold or served to individuals under 21 years of age. The Event Host must demonstrate its ability to prevent Alcoholic Liquor sales and service to individuals under the age of 21.
  6. Non-alcoholic beverages and food must be available whenever Alcohol is being sold or served.
  7. The university and its staff, contractors, and representatives may refuse to serve or sell Alcohol to any guest who appears to be intoxicated or impaired due to Alcohol consumption.
  8. Any purchase of Alcoholic Liquors using university funds must comply with all applicable university policies, including Section 8.1.1: Business Meals, Refreshments, and Alcohol.
  9. If Alcoholic Liquors are being purchased with university funds for a catered event, the Event Host must ensure — before the event and before the funds are transferred — that the transaction complies with all university policies.
  10. The serving staff of all caterers/vendors must be certified through the Beverage Alcohol Sellers and Servers Education and Training program. The Illinois Liquor Control Commission has approved the Training for Intervention Procedures course as satisfying the BASSET certification requirement.

For Events Held in Campus Buildings or on University Property at which Alcohol is Sold or Served

  1. The sale or service of Alcoholic Liquors in campus facilities or on campus property is permitted only at public, cultural, educational, entertainment, athletic, and social events.
  2. Events in campus buildings or on university property at which Alcohol is served but not sold must be catered by a vendor with: (a) the appropriate licenses, (b) BASSET-certified staff, and (c) dram shop liability insurance in the amount of $1 million naming the University of Illinois Board of Trustees as additional insured and waiving subrogation rights, from all financial loss, damage, and liability, per Business and Financial Policies and Procedures, 6.1.1. Appropriate licenses and certificates of insurance must be on file with the office of the Beverage Administrator before the alcohol form will be approved.
  3. Events in campus buildings or on university property at which there will be direct cash sales of Alcoholic Liquors must be catered by an On-Campus Vendor/Caterer unless the Office of the Chancellor makes a prior exception.
  4. Requests to sell or serve Alcoholic Liquors for events in campus buildings or on university property must comply with all requirements of the Reservation of University Property policy in the Campus Administrative Manual (Policy number FO-81).

For Off-Campus Events at which Alcoholic Liquors are Served, but NOT Sold

  1. Events held at venues off campus must be catered by a vendor with (a) the appropriate licenses required for that jurisdiction, (b) BASSET-certified staff, and (c) maintain dram shop liability insurance in the amount of $1 million naming the Board of Trustees as additional insured and waiving rights of appropriate licenses and certificates of insurance must be on file with the office of the Beverage Administrator before the alcohol form will be approved.
  2. The event must be hosted by a university unit.
  3. The event must be closed to the public and open only to specific invitees.
  4. The event must be conducted in a venue where access is controlled.
  5. There can be no direct or indirect charge to participants for the Alcoholic Liquors.
  6. For off-campus events held on private property, the premises insurance for that property will be the primary insurance in the event of any liability arising from the event.  Depending on circumstances and subject to terms and conditions, the university’s self-insurance and/or commercial insurance may apply on an excess basis.

Time Restrictions for Alcohol Sales and Service

The following time restrictions pertain to Alcohol sales and service. The Beverage Administrator may set an alternate starting and ending time.

  1. Sales and service of Alcohol may not commence more than 60 minutes prior to the scheduled beginning of any event.
  2. Concerts and Plays:  Sales and service of Alcohol must cease 45 minutes prior to the scheduled end of the performance.
  3. For events not listed above, the following general rules apply:
  • If the scheduled event has an intermission, sales and service of Alcohol must cease 30 minutes after the end of the intermission but not less than 45 minutes prior to the end of the scheduled end of the event.
  • If the scheduled event does not have an intermission, sales and service of Alcohol must cease not less than 45 minutes prior to the end of the scheduled completion time.
  • For private events, “last call” will be made 30 minutes prior to the scheduled end of the event. Alcohol service must end five minutes after the “last call” announcement takes place.

Staff Training

All servers and bartenders, whether provided by University Catering, Approved Campus Vendors, or other vendors and caterers, must meet all legally mandated training standards, including but not limited to BASSET, prior to beginning work.

Approved Venues

The Beverage Administrator designates Approved Venues based on consideration of: (1) whether the physical setting is conducive to the control of the sale or service of Alcohol; (2) whether the nature of the events or activities that take place in the venue are compatible with the sale or service of Alcohol; and (3) whether ingress and egress of guests at the venue can be controlled. The Beverage Administrator, a representative of the Division of Public Safety, and the unit’s facility manager will review the venue applying the above criteria. Even in the case of an Approved Venue, the event itself must be approved through submission of the Request for Approval. The following locations are Approved Venues:

  • Activities and Recreation Center
  • Allerton Park and Retreat Center
  • Bevier Hall
  • Eichelberger Field
  • Huff Hall
  • I Hotel and Conference Center
  • Illini Union
  • Illinois Field
  • Krannert Center for the Performing Arts
  • Memorial Stadium and surrounding areas
  • State Farm Center
  • Willard Airport

For the proposed sale or service of Alcohol at any other venue, both the event and the venue must be approved through submission of the Request for Approval.


The Beverage Administrator may approve exceptions to this policy only if they are consistent with state law and Board of Trustee policies.


Associate Vice Chancellor for Auxiliary, Health and Wellbeing