General Use of and Access to University Property


This policy sets forth general use and access parameters to (i) preserve University Property for use to which it is lawfully dedicated; (ii) promote the proper and optimal use of University Property in furtherance of the university’s missions and operations; and (iii) protect the overall condition, safety and security of University Property and its users. This policy is intended to be supplemented by other applicable university policies and does not supersede University Statutes, General Rules, or applicable laws.

This policy is not intended to and shall not be construed to impair any right or activity, including speech, protest or assembly, protected by the U.S. Constitution, by the Constitution of the State of Illinois or by other federal or state law and permitted by University Policy. The university shall not enforce this policy in a manner that discriminates against any person or group on the basis of any protected classification. Information about protected classifications can be found in the university’s Nondiscrimination Policy.


This policy applies to all University Community Members and Visitors.


Office of the Vice Chancellor for Administration and Operations


The use of and access to University Property must comply with all applicable state and federal laws and university policy. The use of and access to University Property
by individuals other than in connection with educational or research programs is permitted only as set forth in this policy and other applicable University Policy. Unauthorized use of or access to University Property is prohibited.

  1. Use for the University’s Mission: University Property is primarily for use by University Community Members in furtherance of the university’s teaching, research, economic development, and public service missions and business operations. University Property is not available for unrestricted use for other purposes and must be authorized by the university and permitted by University Policy.
  2. Publicly Accessible Areas: Publicly accessible areas of University Property are generally open to University Community Members and Visitors for access and use in accordance with university policy and applicable law during open hours, as determined by the university. Publicly accessible areas generally include public sidewalks, unsecured lawn areas and other open and unsecured outdoor spaces, public streets, public meeting areas, designated areas within the student union building, museums, bookstores, retail spaces, libraries, and most administrative and academic buildings, as determined by each facility. The university may open other University Property to the general public for a designated time and purpose. Consistent with applicable law and university policy, authorized university officials acting within the scope of their university duties may limit or restrict access to public areas for public health, safety, or security purposes.
  3. Limited Use and Restricted Areas: Authorized university officials acting within the scope of their university duties, including but not limited to Designated Officials, may establish and publish rules for use of and access to specific University Property or portions thereof to maintain the purpose and function of the University Property. Rules and policies for use and access may include but are not limited to establishing open and closed hours or periods and limiting access to or use of areas intended for certain users or a specific, limited purpose. Individuals must comply with rules for use of and access to University Property established by the university and university-authorized signs that convey restricted access or use. Individuals on University Property must comply with directions of a university official or other public official acting within the scope of their university or official duties and must not impede university officials or other public officials in the performance of or the attempt to perform their official duties and must not impede the use University Property for its intended purpose.
  4. Hours of Operations: University buildings are open and closed in accordance with the schedule published and distributed by the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Administration and Operations (OVCAO), Facility Scheduling and Logistics (FSL) unit, unless otherwise noted. Some university units, such as auxiliary units, determine and maintain their open and close schedule independent of the OVCAO. Those units manage and control authorized access. The university reserves the right to change or restrict the business hours for any location without advance notice for public health, safety or security considerations. The use of and access to university buildings outside of listed hours is restricted to faculty, staff and students who have authorized use of university building keys or other access control devices (cards, etc.) and the use of or access to such building is for an authorized university purpose.
  5. Security Compliance: Individuals on University Property must not bypass, damage, interfere with, or attempt to deceive by fraudulent means, any university-authorized security measure or security camera, whether temporary or permanent, that is intended to prevent or limit access to, or enhance the security of, University Property or events, or portions thereof.
  6. Identification: An authorized agent of the university acting in the performance of their supervisory, operational, or security function may require individuals to provide the following truthful and accurate information:
    1. their full name, identification and affiliation with the university, if any, when in non-public or restricted access areas of University Property or attending non-public or restricted access events on University Property, and
    2. their full name and affiliation with the university, if any, when in a public area and the authorized agent reasonably infers from the circumstances that the person is violating or has violated university policy.

    Such requests must be for a legitimate university purpose, such as safety and security of University Community Members or University Property, proper use of and access to University Property, and enforcement of university policy, and must comply with university policy, including but not limited to the university’s Nondiscrimination Policy. Individuals asked by an authorized agent of the university for their name or identification may ask for the name and title of the requesting authorized agent of the university and reason for the request.

    In addition to the identification requirements in this Paragraph 6, University of Illinois police officers may require individuals to provide their name or identification as permitted by and in accordance with applicable law (which may include 725 ILCS 5/107-14, temporary questioning without arrest) and individuals must comply with any other applicable university policy requiring identification, including a requirement for students to provide identification in accordance with applicable provisions of the Student Code.

  7. Camping: Camping on University Property is prohibited except in those areas specifically designated by the university as a campground and used exclusively for the purpose of camping or as approved by Allerton Park & Retreat Center for special programs or events hosted or sponsored by Allerton Park & Retreat Center. Unauthorized tents and other objects on University Property are subject to removal by the university.
  8. Commercial Activity on University Property: Commercial Activity on University Property is prohibited unless authorized through a written contract with the university or otherwise authorized by University Policy. This policy does not apply to official university activity or university-sanctioned activity, such as the Campus Charitable Fund Drive or solicitation or other activity by employees of the university acting in the course and scope of their university duties and authority. Commercial Activity in residence halls also must comply with applicable University Housing residence hall policies.

Processes / Procedures / Guidelines

  1. Open/Close Schedule: The OVCAO will publish the Open/Close Schedule prior to the fall, spring, and summer terms. The schedule and process to requests permanent or temporary changes to building hours are available on the OVCAO website. When the buildings are closed, all exterior doors are locked.
  2. Notice to Depart and Trespass: Individuals who use or access University Property in violation of applicable law or university policy may be directed to cease such action and/or provided notice to depart from University Property or any part thereof. Individuals may not enter upon University Property after receiving notice that entry is prohibited or remain on University Property after receiving notice to depart. Notice for purposes of this paragraph may be provided by oral or written communication from a Designated Official or authorized university official acting within the scope of their duties, which may include but is not limited to a printed or written notice forbidding entry conspicuously posted or exhibited on the University Property where entry is prohibited. Individuals who have engaged in illegal activity, a violation of university policy, or conduct that is or may reasonably be deemed to be threatening, disruptive or violent may be issued a no trespass notice by the university that restricts an individual’s access to University Property or any part thereof. No trespass notices restricting an individual’s access to University Property, or any part thereof, may be issued in accordance with university policy or procedures including but not limited to University of Illinois Division of Public Safety Procedures and Student Disciplinary Procedures. Individuals who violate this policy or otherwise knowingly occupy or remain on University Property after due notice to depart and/or no trespass notice may be in violation of Illinois law, including but not limited to Illinois statute on interference with a public institution of education (720 ILCS 5/21.2-1) and/or criminal trespass to state supported land (720 ILCS 5/21-5), and subject to police intervention and potential criminal charges in accordance with applicable criminal laws and other consequences in accordance with applicable university policies and procedures.
  3. Violation of Policy or Law: A violation of this policy or applicable law may result in discipline in accordance with applicable university policies and procedures or other consequences, such as potential civil or criminal action in accordance with applicable civil and criminal laws.


“Camping” includes any of the following: (i) setting up or pitching, or attempting to pitch or set up, a camping tent or shelter, (ii) establishing or maintaining, or attempting to establish or maintain, an outdoor site on University Property for the purpose of overnight stays or sleeping, (iii) establishing or maintaining, or attempting to establish or maintain, temporary or permanent living quarters at any location on University Property other than residence halls, apartments or other university-managed housing; for purpose of this definition, “living quarters” includes living rooms, bedrooms or other spaces that are capable of being occupied as the equivalent of a residence or accommodation, and (iv) the overnight use of sleeping bags, blankets, makeshift shelters, motor homes, campers or camp trailers, except overnight parking of motor homes, campers or camp trailers when specifically permitted by the Division of Intercollegiate Athletics in its parking rules and regulations.

“Commercial Activity” means:

  1. Conducting a commercial transaction;
  2. Activity conducted for the purpose of advertising, peddling, or selling goods and services, offering goods and services for sale, or distributing samples of goods and services for sale; or
  3. Soliciting funds or financial contributions for an organization.

“Commercial Activity” does not include an isolated, personal transaction between individuals not in the course of repeated transactions of a like nature.

“Designated Official” means the individual who has been appointed by the chancellor or the chancellor’s designee to manage events and activities and to make decisions about use of specific University Property. If no Designated Official has been appointed for the specific University Property, then the OVCAO is appointed to manage such decisions with appropriate stakeholders. The OVCAO maintains this list.

“University” refers to the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

“University Community Members” means all university employees (including faculty members and staff), students, Registered Organizations, Registered Student Organizations.

“University Policy” includes University Statutes, General Rules, actions of the Board of Trustees, university policies, including the Campus Administrative Manual, codes, regulations, authorized orders or instructions by university officials acting within the scope of their university duties, and rules or policies established by a Designated Official or facility.

“University Property” means all buildings, grounds and other internal and external spaces owned or controlled by the university.

“Visitor” means any individual or group who is not a University Community Member.


This policy does not apply to authorized university operations (e.g., construction and maintenance) or to university personnel carrying out an authorized university service or activity while acting within the scope of their university duties and responsibilities.


University of Illinois Statutes

The General Rules Concerning University Organization and Procedure

Nondiscrimination Policy


Office of the Vice Chancellor for Administration and Operations