To ensure that proper consideration is given to the climatic conditions required by electronic items such as computers, minicomputers, and other delicate scientific equipment; to ensure proper operation and/or maintenance; to ensure comfortable working conditions.
This policy applies to the Urbana-Champaign campus, and contains supplemental information and guidelines to support adherence to the Campus Energy Use Policy.
This policy is an extension of the Campus Energy Use Policy, and is implemented under the authority of the Executive Director of Facilities & Services.
The installation of equipment having a material effect upon surrounding climatic conditions must be provided to F&S Engineering Design by the building coordinator for review prior to purchase.
Before a department purchases or submits a grant application for the purchase of any equipment that requires special climatic conditions, it must be reviewed with and approved by the campus administration.
Units or departments may be responsible for funding corrective measures required to provide necessary climatic conditions.
For computer installations, this review will be a part of the standard acquisition procedure handled by the University Computer Coordination Office and/or the Office of Administrative Information Technology Services (AITS).
All other types of installations should be reviewed with the Office of Facility Management and Scheduling who, in consultation with Facilities & Services and the respective department, will determine any additions or alterations to the existing HVAC system that should be made, and how such work should be funded. The effect on the building’s heating or cooling hours will also be considered before approval of the equipment installation is given.
For questions concerning this policy, contact the Director of Energy and Utility Services, (217) 244-2865.