Each department head is responsible for the security and safe-keeping of all university property assigned to his/her department and for the proper instruction of departmental personnel in such matters. Departments must follow with reasonable care those risk-management procedures necessary to minimize loss of and damage to university property.
Measures a department head should take as a means for meeting these responsibilities include developing and implementing a departmental security program which incorporates at least the following:
Appropriate key control procedures.
Guidelines for locking of doors and windows; setting alarms, if applicable; and securing valuables when not in use.
The designation of a unit risk-management coordinator for departments having substantial risks and experiencing high loss rates and assignment to that person of responsibilities outlined in the attachment.
The reporting of all property losses to the University police on a timely basis.
Provide, at the department’s expense, means of physically securing items of vulnerable equipment.
Individuals within a department are urged to minimize security risks by following the departmental security guidelines and by:
Securing movable equipment when unattended, particularly when risk of loss is great.
Observing reasonable security measures, such as asking to assist strangers in department areas who appear to have no business in the immediate vicinity as a means of challenging their presence there.
Being alert to and reporting to University police unusual or suspicious activities, including loitering strangers who cannot or will not explain their presence.
Securing doors and windows (particularly of rooms containing valuables) at the conclusion of the day and, if applicable, setting alarms.
References for Business and Financial Policies and Procedures: