Mobile Food Vendor Policy


To establish the process by which Mobile Food Vendors may park and operate on University Premises.


This policy applies to all university units, employees, students, Registered Student Organizations (RSOs), Registered Organizations (ROs), and the general public.


Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs.  Both the Illini Union and the Parking Department enforce the policy.


All Mobile Food Vendors seeking to operate on University Premises must maintain a current health permit through the Champaign-Urbana Public Health District (CUPHD), purchase a permit from the Illini Union Campus Vending Office, and enter into a Mobile Food Vendor Agreement with the university. Mobile Food Vendors who fail to comply with this policy or procedures may be asked to leave University Premises and surrender their campus permit.


Designated Parking Space means a metered parking space identified by the University Parking Department and Illini Union as available for use by Mobile Food Vendors. The list of Designated Parking Spaces can be found in the Illini Union Mobile Food Vendor Agreement.

Mobile Food Vendor means a self-contained food service operation, located in a readily movable motorized, wheeled, self-propelled or towed vehicle, used to store, prepare, display or serve food intended for individual portion service. Mobile Food Vendors do not include vendors that have signed a property lease with the university, or student groups with an operating agreement for the location at which they are selling food.

Mobile Food Vendor Agreement means the contract between a Mobile Food Vendor and the university that authorizes the Mobile Food Vendor to operate on University Premises under specific conditions and identifies the Designated Parking Spaces available.

University Premises means property owned or controlled by the university.

University Sponsor means a university unit, an RSO, or an RO that wishes to arrange for a Mobile Food Vendor to serve at a special event at a location outside of a Designated Parking Space.


1. Mobile Food Vendors wishing to operate on University Premises must complete an online Mobile Food Vendor application found at After receiving an application, the Illini Union Campus Vending Office will initiate a Mobile Food Vendor Agreement and request payment from the applicant. Once the agreement is signed and payment is received, the Illini Union Campus Vending Office will issue to the Mobile Food Vendor a non-transferable operations permit. When operating on University Premises, a Mobile Food Vendor must always display its operations permit, the CUPHD health permit, and a current CUPHD inspection report placard, color-coded Green.

2. A Mobile Food Vendor with an operations permit may park in Designated Parking Spaces from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday-Friday, including setup and breakdown times. Mobile Food Vendors may reserve a location in advance using the Parking Department’s Meter Bag Request or may occupy an available Designated Parking Space and pay the meter.

3. While located on University Premises, Mobile Food Vendors must maintain a mobile-ready vehicle with its own power and water sources and must adhere to campus policies on official beverage sponsorships, alcohol, tobacco, and noise. At close of business, Mobile Food Vendors must remove from University Premises all forms of waste, recyclables, and compostable products resulting from their presence and located within 100 feet of the Designated Parking Space.

4. Mobile Food Vendors shall comply with all requests from Public Safety, Parking Department, and the Illini Union regarding the safety of the campus and the operations of the university, which includes requests to relocate or to leave University Premises.

5. University Sponsors wishing to secure a Mobile Food Vendor for a special event must contact Illini Union Campus Vending Office for a list of approved vendors. University Sponsors also must coordinate with the University Parking and Plan Review Coordinator, Facilities & Services, to identify an approved location outside of the Designated Parking Spaces. Illini Union Campus Vending will confirm the location with the Mobile Food Vendor no later than three days prior to the special event. The Mobile Food Vendor may occupy the selected location no more than 30 minutes prior to the special event and no later than 30 minutes after the conclusion of the event. University Sponsors must adhere to the university’s policy for the Reservation of University Property.


The Division of Intercollegiate Athletics may permit Mobile Food Vendors in areas that it controls in accordance with its contracting procedures without the approval of the Illini Union Campus Vending Office.

The “Good to Go” food truck operated by University Dining is not eligible for a CUPHD permit and must display the comparable Licensed Environmental Health Practitioner (LEHP) inspection permit.

The Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs or their designee has the authority to grant exceptions to this policy and to develop additional procedures as may be appropriate.


For questions regarding this policy, contact the Illini Union Campus Vending Office or the University of Illinois Parking Department (217-333-3530).