Member | Title | Office |
Kristin McMurray, Chair | Assistant Vice Chancellor for Administration & Operations | Office of the VC for Admin and Operations |
Nizam Arain | Associate Vice Chancellor for Access and Equity | Office for Access and Equity |
Stacey Ballmes | Assistant Director for Business and Finance | OBFS-AVP Business & Finance |
Stephen Bryan | Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs & Dean of Student Support & Advocacy | Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs/Office of the Dean of Students |
Robb Craddock | Senior Director of Labor and Employee Relations | Illinois Human Resources |
Laura Czys | Director of Policy Design and Administration | Illinois Human Resources |
Chuck Geigner | Interim Chief Privacy and Security Officer | Office of the Chief Information Officer |
Malikah Gordon | Associate Director for Customer Relations & Communications | Facilities and Services |
Darla Hill | Director of Audits | Office of University Audits |
Kristi Kuntz | Associate Provost for Academic Programs & Policies | Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs & Provost |
Linda Lee Drozt | Senior Regulatory Research Coordinator | Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research |
Paul Lucas | Campus IT Policy Analysis and Advisor | Office of the Chief Information Officer |
Allison McKinney | Director of Academic Affairs | Graduate College |
James Hintz | Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, Student Success, Inclusion & Belonging | Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs |
Sharon Reynolds | Assistant Provost for Administrative Affairs | Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs & Provost |
Alex Schmidt | Associate Vice Chancellor of Advancement Administration | Office of the Vice Chancellor for Institutional Advancement |
Barb Robbins | Police Captain | Division of Public Safety |
Rashmi Tenneti | Director of Analytics & Alignment | StratCommunications-Marketing |
Campus Legal Counsel designee, Ex-officio | ||
Erin Johnson, Ex-officio | Assistant to the Vice Chancellor for Administration and Operations | Office of the VC for Admin and Operations |
Members of the CAM Committee: