Academic & Student Affairs

Title Number Responsible Office
Annual Reports as Required by Article XIII, Section 3, of the University of Illinois Statutes ASA-01 Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Awarding Posthumous Citations ASA-03 Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Classroom Copying of Copyrighted Material ASA-04 Vice Chancellor for Research
Copyrights and Recordings ASA-05 Chancellor
Course Scheduling ASA-06 Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Provost
Establishing Units or Renaming Academic Units to Reflect Changes in Academic Organization ASA-21 Office of the Provost
Evening Midterm and Hourly Examinations ASA-07 Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 ASA-08 Office of the Registrar
Graduate College Office of Educational Equity Programs ASA-09 Vice Chancellor for Research and Dean of the Graduate College
Graduate Student Application for Admission Fee ASA-10 Vice Chancellor for Research and Dean of the Graduate College
Graduate Student Residence Credit ASA-11 Vice Chancellor for Research and Dean of the Graduate College
Instructions for the Submission of New and Revised Course Proposals ASA-13 Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Inter-Campus Programs ASA-14 Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Medical Examination Requirements for Students ASA-16 Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs
Mobile Food Vendor Policy ASA-22 Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs
Proposals for New & Revised Graduate Degree Programs and Options Under Existing Degrees ASA-17 Vice Chancellor for Research and Dean of the Graduate College
Proposals for New and Revised Courses That Carry Graduate Credit ASA-18 Vice Chancellor for Research and Dean of the Graduate College
Retail Food Service Expansion ASA-20 Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Provost
Undergraduate Open Seminar (199 Courses) ASA-19 Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs