
Title Number Responsible Office
Biological Safety RP-02 The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation (OVCRI)
Care and Use of Animals in University-Sponsored Activities RP-12 Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation and Dean of the Graduate College
Charging of Facilities and Administrative Costs to Sponsored Projects RP-03 Vice Chancellor for Research and Dean of the Graduate College
Chemical Safety RP-04 Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation
Cost Sharing on Sponsored Projects RP-05 Vice Chancellor for Research and Dean of the Graduate College
Eligibility to Serve as Principal Investigator RP-06 Vice Chancellor for Research
Emergency Eyewashes and Showers RP-07 Division of Research Safety
Export Control RP-08 Vice Chancellor for Research and Dean of the Graduate College
Human Subjects in Research RP-09 Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation
Licensing Intellectual Property Developed at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign to Companies Affiliated with University Employees RP-10 The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research
Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) Compliance RP-14 Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation
Policy for Adoption of Research or Teaching Animals RP-01 Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation
Radiation and Laser Safety RP-11 Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation
Reporting Certain Forms of Misconduct to Research Sponsors RP-15 Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation
Use of Controlled Substances RP-16 Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation