There are two general usage engineering storerooms: Electrical, (217) 333-1916, and Materials Research and Physics, (217) 333-1375.
The storerooms, located in William L. Everitt Laboratory and Materials Research Laboratory respectively, maintain engineering laboratory supplies, electrical components and metals. Every effort is made to maintain a stock of the latest electronic and semi-conductor components. Arrangements are available to obtain items not in stock on a next-day delivery basis. Metal stocks are those in current demand and may be cut to desired sizes upon request.
To procure equipment or supplies from the storerooms, authorized representatives from the departments must come to the storerooms and complete a Stores Voucher. All purchases must be charged on a Stores Voucher, or a Sales Invoice for organizations affiliated with the University.
The Facilities and Services Storeroom is located in the Physical Plant Service Building. Items carried in stock are lumber, paint, petroleum products, hardware, cutting and hand tools, janitorial, electrical, plumbing, heating, and ventilating supplies, ferrous and nonferrous metals, etc.
To secure materials from the Facilities and Services Storeroom, the department may
Stores Vouchers may be obtained upon request at the Facilities and Services Storeroom Office, (217) 333-1150.