Below is the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign statement on Policies on Alcohol and Drugs, effective immediately for all employees. Any questions regarding this policy should be directed to the appropriate personnel office: Office of Academic Human Resources, (217) 333-6747 or Staff Human Resources Office, (217) 333-4395.
The University of Illinois is committed to maintaining a drug- and alcohol-free environment for its students and employees in compliance with applicable state and federal laws. Students or employees who violate federal or state laws concerning drugs or alcohol are subject to criminal prosecution; those who violate University policies also are subject to institutional sanctions. The unlawful or unauthorized possession, use, distribution, dispensation, sale or manufacture of controlled substances or alcohol is prohibited on University premises. Violation of this policy may result in the imposition of discipline as defined for employees and students by existing University policies, statutes, rules, regulations, employment contracts and labor agreements, up to and including dismissal and referral for prosecution. Any employee convicted of a drug or alcohol offense involving the workplace shall be subject to discipline and/or may be required to complete a drug rehabilitation program as a condition of continued employment.
Improper use of drugs or alcohol can seriously injure the health of employees and students, impair the performance of their responsibilities and endanger the safety and well-being of fellow employees, students and members of the general public.
Employees are subject to disciplinary action, including dismissal, for unauthorized consumption of intoxicating liquors on institutional time or property, inability to perform satisfactorily assigned duties as a result of drinking alcoholic beverages, illegal or excessive use of drugs, narcotics, or intoxicants or the unauthorized sale or distribution of drugs, narcotics, or intoxicants. The University encourages employees who have a problem with the use of controlled substances or alcohol to seek professional advice and treatment. A list of sources for counseling, rehabilitation and assistance programs may be obtained confidentially by calling Faculty Staff Assistance Services, (217) 244-5312. Individuals may request this information themselves, or be directed to do so by a supervisor. Employees who are engaged in work under a federal contract may be required to submit to tests for illegal use of controlled substances as provided by the law or regulations of the contracting agency.*
The illegal possession, use, distribution, sale, making or manufacture of drugs by a University student raises the question of a student’s fitness to continue at the University of Illinois. University disciplinary action may be initiated for any of the aforementioned activities. No one under the age of 21 may store, possess, or consume alcoholic beverages on any property under the control of the University of Illinois, including certified housing. Persons 21 years of age or older may not possess or consume alcoholic beverages on any property of the University other than in such areas or at such functions specifically designated or approved for such use. The University provides educational programs and counseling to students who are substance abusers and those affected by the substance abuse of others. Substance abuse may involve not only controlled substances and illegal drugs, but alcohol and other substances that may be detrimental to health, even though not subject to state and federal laws. For confidential help with substance-related problems, students should contact the Counseling Center at (217) 333-8360.
As a condition of employment, each employee must abide by this statement and notify his or her supervisor within five days of any conviction for a criminal drug or alcohol offense occurring in the workplace. The University will notify the granting or contracting federal agency within ten days of receiving notice of a conviction of any employee working on a federal contract or grant when the conviction involves a drug or alcohol offense occurring in the workplace.
This statement and its requirements are promulgated in accordance with the requirements of the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 and the Drug Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989, and shall be interpreted and applied in accordance with these laws and the rules and regulations promulgated pursuant thereto.
* At this time, only Department of Defense (DOD) classified contracts or those deemed by DOD to be of a “sensitive nature” require employee drug testing.