Summer appointments for academic staff members – those not teaching in the summer session – should be processed as follows:
The Service Required Code for summer appointments is M. The appointment period for summer appointments for those working on an academic year basis may be for any two months during the period beginning on May 21 and ending on August 20. The payroll dates and service dates should be identical. Summer appointments do not carry tenure. Payment should be equivalent to one-ninth (or one-tenth for 10-month service appointments) of the annual salary paid during the preceding year per summer month worked.
Your attention is called to the following regulation quoted from The General Rules Concerning University Organization and Procedure of the University.
ARTICLE IV, Section 1(f) Members of the staff at Urbana-Champaign required to render services during the academic year may be employed in the Summer Session, or to perform research or other services during a period not exceeding two months, and receive, for each month of such service, additional compensation at the rate of one-ninth of the full-time rate paid for services required during the preceding academic year. Such employment may be for longer periods during the summer only upon the advance approval of the Chancellor. Staff members required to render services for twelve months, with allowable vacation, shall not receive additional compensation for services rendered during the summer. For staff members rendering services partly on a twelve-months basis and partly on an academic year basis, this regulation applies only to the twelve months portion.
Attachment I, Request for Exception to Limit on Summer Appointment (PDF) requesting advance approval should be directed to the Office of Academic Human Resources and should accompany the appointment papers if the appointment exceeds two months and exceeds the salary rate of two-ninths (or exceeds one month and the salary rate of one-tenth) of the full-time equivalent academic year salary. Also, for appointments paid on Ledger-5 accounts only, a copy of the Request for Exception to Limit on Summer Appointments form and a copy of the appropriate appointment forms must be sent to the Office of Grants and Contracts.
Please initiate all summer appointments at the earliest possible date in order to eliminate delays and insure prompt payment of salaries.
See Attachment I, Request for Exception to Limit on Summer Appointment (PDF).
Further questions concerning this policy should be directed to the Office of Academic Human Resources, (217) 333-6747.