Vacation and sick leave information for faculty and academic staff is collected from units on a yearly basis. Reports listing unit personnel are sent to units in September. Unit representatives are asked to collect data from employees about the use of vacation and sick leave benefits during the previous academic year (August 21 through August 20). The data are transferred to the reports and submitted to the Office of Academic Human Resources. Calculations are checked in that office, and any discrepancies are resolved.
The final figures from the September calculations are generally provided to employees on the December and January pay stubs. The figures represent the employee’s time available as of August 20th of the previous academic year.
Units should develop a procedure for monitoring use of vacation and sick leave time. It may choose to collect data more frequently than the annual reporting cycle. Vacation and sick leave payments when an employee resigns or retires are the responsibility of the unit.
Refer to the annual memo from the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs for specific information on the calculation of the vacation and sick leave benefits. Further questions concerning this policy should be directed to the Office of Academic Human Resources, (217) 333-6747.